The Role of the Project Manager

As we discussed in a prior blog, it is important to have a Project Manager (PM) working directly for you whether in a full-time or a contractual capacity.  Your PM will work closely with you and your architect to ensure your priorities and needs are being met on time and within budget.  In addition, your PM will work with the builder’s PM to ensure that the builder and sub-contractors are using the proper materials, performing their work in accordance to code and operating efficiently as not to incur cost over-runs.  Your PM should complete weekly status reports and distribute them to you, the architect, and the attorney noting key issues and the budgetary status.  Your PM should review and approve all invoices for payment that have been completed to satisfaction, code and budget.

Builder’s Project Manager

While the builder’s PM is there to make sure the project gets complete and on budget, remember they work for the builder and not for you.  They will not be your advocate nor will they be your eyes and ears on-site.

You need to understand the role and responsibilities of the builder’s PM.   In addition, you will need to know how often the builder’s PM will be on-site and if there will be specific days of the week they will be on-site.  Will the builder’s PM be approving all hours worked and approving all invoices including the sub-contractors.  You also need to know if the builder PM previously worked with the sub-contractors and how the builder PM will manage the sub-contractors work and budget.

Understanding each PMs role and responsibilities will improve and provide for an overall positive construction process experience.

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